current iskcon

7 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj, pamho, AGTSP

i personally don't know how to say all this. But we were surprised that you said in DTC that you were working with us in India. We never felt that we are working with you. It seems we took much more from you, and even did not appreciate you in return.

ASA - You put is in touch with Pankaj etc. How is he?? Anything we can dew four hymn?

. . . we want to take intiation from you, but due to inability to follow one of regulative principles according to NoI, we are not moving ahead.

ASA - Lottery is a terrible addiction.

...moreover most counsellor's are generally very busy. Also ,there is very less coherence in advice by them.

The formula of senate of six devotees is difficult, because I am not able to get them together in one place and time.

I don't find usage of reading SB because we don't know how to apply in our situation. Most of counsellor's even give up to help us apply them.

So in nut shell we can not even get a local authority. 

Your formula of village e.g. Houston temple is rare and now has become very costly.

We were adviced to have kid by ISKCON counsellor,  but in retrospect we think it was wrong. There were many advices like this.

I don't know how to serve Srila Prabhupada in current situation and in current Iskcon

HpS -- Your analysis is wonderful. It describes our situation perfectly. We will read your other letter and see if it makes things even clearer...