Latin America Viaje

7 years, 1 month ago by hps in Calendar Development

Viaje America Latino

Aqui son nuestras fechas fijados y nuestras sugerencias. Sugerencias suyas?  Sankirtan! 
Purchased: Houston > Lima > Mexico> Houston, details below.

Lima -- March 6th-21st, Cuzco 21st, La Paz 22, Campina Grande (GBC College) 24-30
BsAs (Agentina) -- March 30 - April 20
Lima -- 20-25 (Sita Th. Appearance = 23)


Houston-Lima-Mexico-Houston (Purchased)
Flight 1 of 4

Houston(IAH) to Mexico City(MEX)
Flight 4O  3989 [Interjet) 
Mar  5, 2018

Depart from Houston at 16:50 PM
Arrive in Mexico City at 19:15 PM
[Rest One night in Mexico, FMP in Mexico]


Flight 2 of 4
Mexico City(MEX) to Líma(LIM)
Flight 4O  2890 
Mar  6, 2018

Depart from Mexico City at 10:05 AM
Arrive in Líma at 17:05 PM


Flight 3 of 4
Líma(LIM) to Mexico City(MEX)
Flight 4O  2891 
Apr  25, 2018

Depart from Líma at 17:20 PM
Arrive in Mexico City at 23:30 PM
[Sita devi Appearance Day in Chosica, Jayanaanda and Lord Nrsmhadeva in MEXICO]


Flight 4 of 4
Mexico City(MEX) to Houston(IAH)
Flight 4O  3986 
Apr  30, 2018

Depart from Mexico City at 13:35 PM
Arrive in Houston at 15:50 PM

TOTAL $510 (Damn cheap, Bobba)

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