Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

7 years, 2 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Dear Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Guru Parampara.

Dandavat Pranam,

In my previous question I had refered the quotation from the same book of BRS tralslated by Bhanu Swami Sloka 1:2:295 and the citation is written in the footnot No. 69.

HpS - Aaaah!   Bhanu Swami.  I have seen little and heard from good authorities that it is a very good translation. Read it with the corresponding summary in Nectar of Devotion by Srila Prabhupada and you will become a great saint, greater Saint.

Last Sunday, I had narrated Srimad Bhagavatam sloka 9:11:6-18. In the last sloka 18, in the purport “After mother Sita entered into the earth, Lord Ramachandra observed complete celibacy and performed an uninterrupted Agnihotra yajna for thirteen thousand years”.

According to the calculation of Brahma’s year mentioned at Gita 8:17 what will be the duration of Lord Ramachandra’s Agnihotra Yajna of thirteen thousand years in our material calculation? There are some controversies in the calculation and conversion of material year of 13,000/- years of Treta Yuga in the calculation of Kali Yuga. Please highlight us from such blindness.

HpS - Oooof!   Tha would be hard for us. If He was living for 10,000 years then 13,000 would not be tht right number. I don't know the details. If it is Kali-yuga years then it would be 13,000/100=130 years.  We don't have any special knowledge on this.

Guruji! As You know, we have no Shiksha Guru to guide us in our Mandir or surroundings to solve such difficulties and whatever we have now, are all given by you only. You are the source of our strength. We are innocent, helpless, incapable, and useless to make anything in Radha-Krsna's services. 

HpS - Many nice devotees there, no?  Talk to a lot of them and then you can get good idea. Then for big problems, Srila Prabhupada talks about everything. Of course we help as we can!

We need your blessings for faster progress. Your each word is precious for us and I need to deep down to understand and follow.
Thank you so much Gurudev.

** Please let me know whether you are coming India during Goura Purnima in Mayapur or not? It is for our information.

Your fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Again, we are not coming to India for Gaura-purnima. We will probably be there for Kartika in 2018. Has your son found some job? Does he chant any Japa?