Nios Audiovisual (youtube channel)

7 years, 3 months ago by Victoria in Special Category B

Hare Krsna


All glories to yiou guru dev 


I m Ambarisa das writing from the Vrsabhanu nandini account, i m traying to recover my account.

ASA - I am Monkey writting on HpS account, satisfied with that arrangement.

We have created 2 channels some time ago to share material from your sankirtan. One is ASA Audiovisual, in which we have put some classes, the education congress, Jung and some more videos. On the other channel, NIOS Audivisual we have only uploaded the summary of Art and the Sacred I. We can use this or create a new one?.

What videos do you want to upload / spread / share?

we are happy that you will come to south america and Argentina. hope we can help you here and serve in your sankirtan

your s servants Vrsabhanu Nandini dd and Ambarisa Das

ASA - What Search Words will take us to the two channels?   Are the suggested dates for Argentina, O.K.?   Where should we go??   Hare Krsna!!!!  So nice to hear from you?  Is your father chanting 16+ rounds a day??