Greetings!!! PTRK

7 years, 2 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

<cite>Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva, All glories to Srila Prabhupada our savior </cite>

<cite>Please Accept my humble obeisances</cite>

<cite>Hope your health is ok.</cite>

<cite>HpS - Best use of a bad bargain! AGTSP!    Paoho.   No reason to impede the rot. As the body rots it becomes the basis of new bodys.</cite>

<cite>Well after some time i’m back in the blog…</cite>

<cite>In some days i will be admitted in the hospital for health reasons so it’s good to write now. Well, body needs some readjustment… (It is the 8th time only this year, each time takes about 2 or 3 weeks)… i’m taking this situation as a learning. Depression is part of our days lately. I don’t know exactly what is the learning but at the end Everything Krsna does is PERFECT even if we don’t understand.</cite>

<cite>HpS - Depression. That means our energy in depressed. Not even enough energy to push the corners of our mouth up, smile, but as soon as I smile my heart responds, Ha!  Ha!   Ha!
Incompetent as we are. No matter how small and with no matter how little energy we have, with a smile and a light heart we can brachiate after Krsna with others to help.

<cite>This year was very tough in all circumstances, specially in spiritual life…chanting is getting very difficult but we keep trying to do it… when the mind is thinking in others things (we realized how attached to our body we are) is more difficult to concentrate in chanting… So chanting, worship and reading is ok but we want to do it in a better consciousness.</cite>

<cite>HpS - So do the Gopis!   Ha!   Ha!   Ha!</cite>

<cite>Due to this situation i had to leave my job and i hope to back again next year to work in the school and study at the university. We tried to do many things but the body told us to slow down. We want to help a lot but better to start doing it with ourself first.</cite>

<cite>We want to tell you many things but we are trying to keep this short so we can send more letters to the blog…</cite>

<cite>Maybe next letter from THE CAPSULE (hospital)</cite>

<cite>Thanks a lot for all your help and support</cite>

<cite>Your useless servant</cite>

<cite>Patraka Das</cite>

<cite>HpS - Maybe we tortured frogs in our last life and this is the reaction we are getting. Maharaja Bharata became a deer, but Visnu is supreme, not Siva nor Brahma, so do not look at destruction. Look at what eternal service you can develop.</cite>

<cite>Waiting for your next report.</cite>