Report sadhana

6 years, 10 months ago by Bhaktina Maria in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please dear Guru Maharaja accept my respectful obeisances!

I hope this [you are] very well and always happy!

I want to tell you what we are doing: we continue enthusiastic in Santiago Mandir temple, improving sadhana.

Arduous months since there are few devotees living in the temple, therefore it is double service, I think it is difficult for twice the effort but we try every day to keep our mind fixed on Sri Sri Gaura Nitay, on Srila Prabhupada and on you, to serve, striving to be a good contribution to the Sankirtan. We have had to polish our anarthas, work tolerance, humility, respect for elders! . I remember that in the last letter I asked about the anarthas and that these can lead to offenses if they are not worked, you recommended me to read Cc Madhya 19.156 onwards, verses that speak of the creeper of bhakti. Gurudeva, I felt sorry for what I mention about the anarthas, I am afraid of committing offenses, I ask very humbly for your help, how do I avoid falling into offenses?

HpS - What we know is from the verses of Rupa-siksa mentioned above. 1) Surround yourself with good devotees and 2) Follow the rules and regulations.       Booop!     No big offenses. Of course there may be little ones, but Krsna can adjust those just by our service.

I try to be very rigorous, here the climate of relationship becomes difficult, responsibilities that fall on one, like a big backpack that is loaded with many things, thanks to Krishna I have the association of senior devotees who help me, through this association I try to take care of the roots of the vine so that with their guide they grow firm , listening attentively, singing and remembering the Lord, giving my heart as an offering, like a beggar shouting for droplets of love and mercy, I pray keep a good conscience in everything I do and always improve every day, the quality of our rounds, studying meanings of Vaishnava songs to understand what we are singing, always trying to be sincere in service and listening more to the heart than the mind.

HpS - So many devotees seem like they must have been Monjas y Monjes, Nuns and Monks, in their previous life. One does  not get so much intelligent devotion in one life time.

We try to connect by (fmp) but it is almost impossible, at that time here is kind of Srimad Bhagavatam. I hope I can write my reports more often.

Bhaktina Maria de los Angeles, servant of the servant of the servant, is dismissed.

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HpS - The translation is good. If you use simple words and know a little English then you can give the machine words that won't be hard to translat. Here it is -4-degrees at night. There is is Spring time. Anywhere we can chant!     Such a gift.
The magic will not be done by me, nor you, nor any living being. The magic will be done by Krsna, when we become pure devotees of Krsna. - Srila Prabhupada!!

More news: Interesting stories from the Yatra.