reporte desde Chile

7 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev Please accept my humble obeissances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope that you are well, and that you can rest in USA.

HpS - ASA --- Actually we feel really sick at the current moment. We feel like we are suffocating, no full respiration. How about you? If we do Pranayana, take full breath in, hold it and then blow it all out and hold it out, as Srila Prabhupada mentions in SB, then we can see that as we hold it out we get demand for air, deeper and deeper. If we can satisify that little man within we are still alive and hope to expand to to the gross body.

about me, everything's it's better...
i am studying english in an institute since 2 weeks, (so i still have to use the google translate hehe)

HpS - Yes, but you can start to recoginze what Spanish words to give the Translator so he has an easy job!

i am also going to sankirtan 2 or 3 times a week, but the books distribution in universities its finish for now, back to "person to person" mood. A few weeks ago we had the visit of Aravinda Prabhu (from mexico), and he was so kind with us (priya sakhi, gokulesvari and i... my  "sankirtan team" for now) we had a sankirtan meeting and he inspired us so much. He also give a seminar called "sastra seva" with prabhu Govinda Damodar. 

With my husband, we are still working in prasadam, everythings its going better, your advice help me a lot, for the mercy of Lord Jagannatha my husband will paint the ratha yatra´s chariot, and he is very enthusiastic with that, tomorrow he start. He is really trying to correct his mistake, as you said, so i am giving him a chance.

From tomorrow i will join again to fmp, its been dificult to me chant my rounds in the morning, because of my job, i have to start to cook at  6 o clock and because the sankirtan in universities was in the afternoon I arrived late at my house, 10 pm approx, then my sadhana has been very messy this last time, I sing the 16 rounds during the day, I'm sorry, I know you are very emphatic in the sadhana , but from now on I hope to improve this.

HpS - Krsna NEVER suggests anything impractical. If you make 16-nice rounds your priority then EVERYTHING will improve in the fastests way possible.

thanks for everything dear gurumaharaja and please excuse my faults

always yearning to be able to become a better disciple

Indu Lekha devi dasi

HpS - You are doing pretty good, Mama!