Going Back to India

7 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

We wrote a letter to Gopal Bhatta Das about presenting at the ILS, 4th-11th of February in Mayapura. Follows our note to Harsh about an invitation to the "Symposiom on Business, Management and Spirituality in a Global Environment" organized by the Jendal Group in Delhi 24-25 January.

If we get confirmations for both we would go back to India for the 15th January to the 28th February. Is it too much stress on our body?   Hmmm?   We are all going to die but if we can do such nice preaching then let's die that way, no?


Hare Krsna, Prabhu [Harsh]!
We arrived sick as a dog, but pretty strong at heart. Forty-five hours of hard travel.

How can we serve you?

We have not heard from Pankaj Gupta Ji. We need to buy our tickets for India by the 15th. We need to hear from him a formal invitation and confirmation of participation as a Keynote Speaker or something like that. We need to talk with the organizers in Toronto (?) and see if we are going to be friends on this project.
Can you please contact him?
Hare Rama!!!