7 years, 2 months ago by abhiramdas in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!
All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami !!
By the mercy of Sadai Nimai-Nitai, things have turned out to be very favorable for sankirtan:

  1. The meeting with Dr. Alejandro Neyra, Director of the National Library of Peru, was a success. At one point during the meeting he told me: "I want to congratulate NIOS for the organization of their events, I have seen with pleasure the videos in your Youtube channel. " At the end of the meeting, I instruct the Image Director and other officials to provide us with all the facilities and all the environments we need to carry out THE ART AND THE SACRED in October 2018 (this includes the web and using the logo of the BNP and the Ministry of Culture). HpS - Very, very nice. Do we have a signed contract?
  2. Our calendar of activities for 2018 is the film THE ART AND THE SACRED, THE PATH OF A PILGRIM, the exhibition of Art SACRED IMAGES and the I INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM. For 2019 we have planned the MEGA-EVENTO EL ARTE Y LA SAGRADO at El Teatro Nacional. By arrangements of Mr. Nityananda, 2019 Peru will be the WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF THE FORUM OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS, FINDING IN THE CULTURE ANSWERS TO THE PROBLEMS OF THE HUMAN SOCIETY, the Forum is made up of India, China, Greece, Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Italy , Iraq and Iran. The Minister of Culture participates actively in this Forum. The Director told me that if we do a good Project it is possible to join the activities that the Ministry of Culture is organizing for 2019.
  3. Robert Conlon is officially the SOLARIS style proofreader in English. He is a senior at Literature at the University of Austin in Texas His mother is Mexican and I teach him Spanish to communicate well with his maternal relatives, so he handles both languages ​​very well. I already pass the articles to him, he weekly will send the advances. HpS - We tried to talk with him before we left USA but could not. It is on our Calendar to call him as soon as we arrive back in Texas.
  4. Walter proposes a preliminary event for February, within a week we have a meeting together to refine details. Everyone (Ramón, Hector, Walter and Miguel) suggests that we make a fine bilingual brochure (printed and digital) about ART AND THE SACRED. Please, what is your suggestion? HpS - It sounds very nice. Can we start looking for local sponsors also?
  5. I have already passed on to your main mail the progress of all the transcripts of the NOI. HpS - O.K. We will try to find the first one and edit it. We need your little reminder to do this.

Gurudeva, I humbly apologize for sending this report a few days late. The health of my donkey a little delicate, I have been with severe bronchitis and now I have a strong irritation in the eyes. Hare Krishna respected Gurudeva, his insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das

HpS - If you are chanting 16-enthusiastic rounds daily and following four principles strictly then all that is happening to your family, friends, community and body is under Krsna's control for you to advance in devotional service. We will be in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan movement life after life.

What do you think of the thesis that I published on WhatsApp? There is no response from Miguel, Hectar nor Ramon. Our basic suggestion that all art trying to achieve the sacred, eternal life, has as its first impulse fear of death, old age and disease.

Telecommunications here in India is difficult but if you can call us please try. +91 88 00 58 67 45. We are free after noon.

Everyone thanks you so much for this contribution. So much. We will go on with the work of developing the Web-page and fund raising.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias
¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!
¡Todas las Glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami!!
Por la misericordia de Sadai Nimai-Nitai las cosas han salido súper favorables para el sankirtan:

  1. La reunión con el Dr. Alejandro Neyra Director de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú fue un éxito, en un momento de la reunión él me dijo: “quiero felicitar a NIOS por la organización de sus eventos, he visto con agrado los videos en su canal de Youtube”. Al finalizar la reunión instruyo al Director de Imagen y a otros funcionarios para que nos brinden todas las facilidades y todos los ambientes que necesitemos para realizar EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO en octubre de 2018 (eso incluye la web y usar en la publicidad el logo de la BNP y del Ministerio de Cultura).
  2. Nuestro calendario de actividades para el 2018 es la película EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO, EL CAMINO DE UN PEREGRINO, la exhibición de Arte IMÁGENES SAGRADAS y el I SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL. Para el 2019 tenemos planeado el MEGA-EVENTO EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO En El Teatro Nacional. Por arreglos del Señor Nityananda, el 2019 el Perú será la SEDE MUNDIAL DEL FORO DE CIVILIZACIONES ANTIGUAS, ENCONTRANDO EN LA CULTURA RESPUESTAS A LOS PROBLEMAS DE LA SOCIEDAD HUMANA, el Foro lo integran India, China, Grecia, Egipto, Perú, México, Italia, Irak e Irán. El Ministro de Cultura participa activamente en este Foro. El Director me dijo que si hacemos un buen Proyecto es posible integrarnos a las actividades que el Ministerio de Cultura está organizando para el 2019. 
  3. Robert Conlon es oficialmente el corrector de estilo de SOLARIS en inglés. Él es alumno de último año de Literatura en la Universidad de Austin en Texas Su mama es mexicana y le enseño español para que se comunique bien con sus parientes maternos, así es que el maneja muy bien ambos idiomas. Ya le pase los artículos, él semanalmente va a enviar los avances. 
  4. Walter propone para febrero hacer un evento preliminar, dentro de una semana  tenemos una reunión para afinar detalles. Todos (Ramón,Hector,Walter y Miguel) sugieren que hagamos un folleto fino bilingüe (impreso y digital) acerca de EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO. Por favor cual es su sugerencia.
  5. Ya le pasé a su correo principal el avance de todas las transcripciones del NOI.

Gurudeva, humildemente le pido disculpas por enviar este informe con algunos días de retraso. La salud de mi burro esta un poco delicada, he estado con bronquitis severa y ahora tengo una irritación fuerte en los ojos. Hare Krishna respetado Gurudeva, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.