Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

7 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

Jay Radha Krishna!
Jay Giri Govardan! (today we celebrate in Arg)
Jay Patita Pavana Srila Prabhupada
Jay Guru Maharaja

Accept my humble obeisances to your Holy lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - Homely feet.

Dear Gurudev, Thanks for answering my annual report, thanks for your blessings and here we go with my answers.
This topic of Grihasta Asrama is a very huge thing! I can see that we do not receive the proper education about that, many ideas about what it is or what it is supposed to be. I see that I must have more consciousness in less free time. We are in the phase of Artha, economic development, many austerities and anxieties.
With my husband things go well both got same vision, I think it makes things easier to make choices.
I kept my job, 12 hours outside home (travel + work). Sometimes more time.
Next year we hope to visit Holy Dham to get the blessings of the Dham to be more enthusiastic and develop more inspiration. After this trip we will reconfigure our way of action. More risks to keep our family and individual spiritual life.
Few months ago Srila Virabahu Maharaja (Father-in-law Guru. He refers to himself in this way, because I get married w / His disciple) visit Buenos Aires and we serve Him and talk some times.
I doing a Bach flowers course, to be flower therapist. Keep on in Ratha Yatra, I think it´s my last year in organization. 
Gurudev i´ve realize that’s my more important service is maintain myself Krishna Consciusness, devotional service, association and many other thing are the way to keep involved in this issues, but my real service is maintain my vote and serve my family. 


Hope my letter find you in a really good energy. You´re my reason to stay inspired, like i always say thanks for be my Spiritual Master and Thanks for be an example of disciple.
My obeisances to your holy lotus feet.

Thanks for your time and for your patience.
your servant.
Rati-Mañjari DD.

HpS - Hare Krsna!   AGTSP paoho.   So nice to hear from you Rati-manjari Devi Dasi.  You are married?  You are in Argentina?   Ha!   Ha!     We have hard time keeping track of people as we get older, but we can remember you very well. Did you go to India since this letter?   We think there is another letter within the last three days.

Do you have your own Deities? Do you serve them with your husband?   Is Krsna, the ultimate husband and others are His representatives?

These are some of the intricate questions that only you, someone from Argentina ISKCON can answer!

We all wait with baited breath for your answers!!!!