feliz Damodara !

7 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev 

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am still in Paraguay, ISKCON preaching center. I´m fine,  chanting 16 rounds daily, attending temple programs, doing Kartik-Vrata and Harinam on Saturdays on the streets, I am trying to learn more about Kirtan by watching devotees on the internet. On November 8 will be arriving in Paraguay hh Maha Visnu swami and the Harinama Ruci team, they will perform very nice programs in my city and also on the Brazilian side. Maybe I'll travel to India for February 2018 (with Deva Deva das Prabhu and Rohini Kumar Prabhu), if I get your blessings. thank you very much for all Guru Maharaja, sorry for not writing for a long time and also sorry if my English is not good enough, we continue with Harinama-Sankirtan ki Jaya!

Your servant

Vijaya Govinda das

HpS - Yes, is fine to go to India, Braja, with such nice devotees!!  Who is in your Yantra? What is their service??