Elevating my consciousness or symptoms of juvenile delinquency?

7 years, 3 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, Please accept my humble obiesances, All glories to Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaja, I am so concerned with non-devotees opinion of me, such as family, bosses, people in general etc. I feel my consciousness is very much degraded due to my own past sins as well as my association with non-devotees. I am choosing to make some big changes and relocate away from family, girlfriend, job etc and start over somewhere new. I was hired on a very impressive small organic farm in Arizona near Phoneix, So I am going to leave this unwholesome relationships behind and go further develop my farming skills, as well as become an balanced mature adult. After maybe 1-2 years in Arizona I want to go around to our Iskcon projects and help them become more succesful in agriculture/self-sufficiency and communal development.

HpS - Show them your staunch morning program also.

I hope these aspires [aspirations] somehow are pleasing to you and that with Krsna's grace I can become a fully surrendered soul and useful to the Sankirtana Mission.

For some long time I thought there was something wrong with me because I have lived so recklessly toward family and social custom/relations. In my early 20's I never had a problem with caring about jobs, bosses, family opinion etc. I would drop everything in a second and leave a situation. So I have been trying to remediate what I thought was a defective irresponsible habit. But now I am seeing that the real situation is that I just don't want to fit in or be a part of the pscyhopath civilization and I don't want to get sucked in from that bad association. I am finished trying to fit in or please the non-devotees. Therefore I believe today I will quit my job, I will skip my sisters wedding this weekend (it would require me driving 6 hours there and back in 2 days to Nashville) and I will start driving across the country to my new job this Saturday, I will stop by a few temples and spend time with devotees and also engage in preaching/harinama activity along the way.

There is a temple in Phoneix AZ about an hour from the farm, so I am hoping to utilize the spiritual atmosophere at. It feels like it is time to leave the nest. Please give your blessings that I progress on the path of Devotional Service.

HpS - Sorry has taken some time to answer! We have been travling like crazy in India and South America. . . .  Well what happened? Has the Organic Farm in Arizon been nice? Temple is nice? Was the farm actually a cover for a big international jewelry smuggling ring? Did you die of a heart attack when you saw Radha Krsna in Phoenix?

I don't know enough details to tell you if your move seems good or bad. What happened to to all the stuff you planted?? As you descrbie it it seems O.K? Did you call you sister and husband?