Daily SB Classes

7 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category A
Hare Krsna.
We have reached Australia, Melbourne, and tomorrow go to Brisbane. They have very robust Temple here with one of the few approved Bhakti-vaibhava centers.
I would put the ASA (Anjana Suta Academy) Bhakti-Vedanta curriculum development program as a secondary, but not no, priority, and the PDP (Pada-Padma, Cantos one and two) program as very high priority. Hearing first two cantos together.
Can we start an official MOE, ASA, ISKCON Boise, Pada-Padma Program with the following community announcement through the ASA and Temple social media, verbal and flyer presentations at festivals and other regular programs?
The ISKCON Boise, Bhaktivedana Study Center and the Anjana Suta Academy in cooperation with the ISKCON Ministry of Education are proud to announce the inauguration of a systematic study of the Srimad Bhagavatam, "Pada-Padma", Cantos One and Two.
Program will have regular meetings in the Temple every Saturday morning from 6.30-7.30AM to review your substantial weekly readings.
First session will be Saturday 28th October and will be reviewing the the Preface and Introduction of Srila Prabhupada's SB.
A study guide is a available at:
Saturday classes can also be joined at www.startmeeting.com or by telephone at 701 801-1220 with the access number, 992 055 489.
Srimad Bhagavatam is all successful, all blissful and all perfect, and those who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of Kali-Yuga will get complete light from this Purana.
Two Semester Examinations and Certificate will be available for a small donation to Srila Prabhupada's Book Trust.