Indradyumna Das Vrindavan Dham

7 years, 4 months ago by Indradyumna Das in Other

 Krishna beloved Gurudev Please accept my humble obeisances .All glories to Srila Prabhupad.I'm in Vrindavan Dham chanting 16+good rounds going on Vrindavan parikram every morning.A few days ago was on monolith parikram around Govardan hill.Please let me know when you'll be back to Vrindavan or ty Delhi.

I'm flight back to Serbia 8th of November

I would be so happy to have Your association again before I live.

Your humble servant

Indradyumna das

HpS - looks like we will he back to Delhi ok the 7th at noon maybe we few meet then. To airport at evening.