Daily SB

7 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category B
Esteemed Ananta-rupa Das,Bali-mardana Das, ISKCON-Boise, Anjana Suta Academy Bhakta-vrnda,
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Please Accept Our Humble Obeisances and Well Wishes.
Considering the Blog postings and personal e-mails, conversations with the administrative authorities in Temple, GBC, MOE, Ministry of Sankirtan et al we would like to make the following delightful suggestions.
1. We continue working on ISKCON Educational Development using ISKCON-Boise and its Center for Bhaktivedanta as a case study for developing the MED’s central theme of “Every Temple an Educational Center”.
2. Following Srila Prabhupada’s NOI we propose that Daily Srimad Bhagavatam reading is required for every ISKCON member and Temple and we have to get that going for the Temple Yatra.
3. Since 6.30AM Saturday, Boise time, is a practical hour for President and Members of our   yatra to meet physically in the Temple, we have a regular weekly review of the daily study of the first two cantos at that time. 6.30-7.30AM Pada-pada week review.
4. This can made available by telecommunication, at least by President or his Designee dialing 701 801-1220, entering the meeting number 992 055 489 and following it by the Host Code, then pushing *9 1 to record the class. We will send the Host Code privately. Then speaker can just talk into the telephone or get a headset or go to broadcasting using the internet from the startmeeting.com web site if they want to expand the technology.
.On-Line, Our-Yatra-Binds.
5. Daily Saturday morning SB class on the first two cantos is wonderful for all members of the community because for those who are still entrapped in sex indulgence, recital should not go  beyond the first and second canto (SB 2.2.12), while it also satisfies Srila Prabhupada’s rule that those who are studying for a Bhaktivedanta diploma study cantos 7-12 AND the previous material. If we know so much, share it.
6. Our Anjana Suta Academy (ASA) has introductory materials for the SB if you go to our webpage archives and look for “bhaktivedanta library” and “pdp cantos 1-2 and 12 canto summary, ppt “
7. We would suggest going back to these introductory materials later and just jumping into the matter where Ananta-rupa Das and daily attendees are now reading . . . SB 1.4. We think it is essential that we develop this as a spontaneous and systematic study in Boise that can then be generalized to all of ISKCON, regular Saturday morning Pada-pada, Canto One and Two recital.
To start with this can just be as simple as reading the translations together for the current chapter, but we also have pdp-csg, pada-padma-chapter study guides, at our Website.
“tato jayam udirayet”, this SB is our very means of conquest (1.2.4).
8. We should start this next Saturday, 2107 October 14, with our Temple President Ananta-rupa Das making a presentation of the week’s Temple study and the study assignment for the following week. Those who are Bh. Vaibhava or Bh. Vedanta students etc can make comments from their previous studies etc. The calendar can be reset each week.
The Temple should organize enough of a curriculum to offer a prototypical diploma for Pada-padma studies.
9. Contact us through our Blog or as you can for any help.
10. If we can’t get this going on our own steam then I suggest we get advice from the Ministry of Education with the help of our Regional Representative, Bali-mardana Das from ISV and ultimately from our GBC manager, His Holiness B. Narayana Swami. We can’t get involved in the administration much beyond our simple Sannyasa nature.