Dr. Samaresh texted - Please call me after ten p.m.I am out now.
ASA texted - Good morning, Professor.
Up by 1.15am is our ludicrous professional standard.
Very peaceful time. The mass of the Ashram students are up by 3.15am.
All day working and we all struggling to stay awake by 7.15.
Sometimes we get naps. That can change the hours.
When is earliest we can call.?.?
Badri-Narayana Swami gave class. He told of some of his personal experiences with Srila Prabhupada. Then breakfast in the elegant Temple restaurant/dinning ara with the first GBC Secretaries to arrive.
MOE meeting about setting up the forms to collect data about the educational initiatives in ISKCON: HpS, Rama-giri-Shari Das, Tapan-misra Das, Indira-Shakti (TMD wife). Mataji left then we beat out the presentation that we want to make to the 1,500 delegates to the ILS meeting in February, which we will introduce in the next issue of 'Viplavah' also.
Then TMD left and RGD and I met for a little more about the Sunday school curriculum and a few other things.
Now some mail, class, MOE meetings and were are off to Pune at 11AM.
Hare Bolo.
The classes are 'Yamaraja Instructs His Messengers'.