Boise Temple Bhagavatam Class

7 years, 5 months ago by ravigupta108 in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Respected Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am very sorry I did not attend Saturday's SB class by phone. Actually, at that time Gopal's wife was delivering her baby in the Logan hospital, with my wife at her side.

HpS - Well, O.K.      I guess we can excuse her and you all, but if they are recorded then we can all listen later. Our respects to the Mother and family.

Gopal was frantically driving from Boise to Logan, rushing to make it in time for the 9:30am C-section operation. I was coordinating between Gopal, his wife, and my wife---trying to keep everyone calm---while also looking after the kids at home. The baby was finally born around 9:30am. In the pandemonium, I totally forgot about class.

I am so sorry you have had to go through so much pain just to have a weekly Bhagavatam class in Boise. This is actually for our benefit, and yet you are taking all the trouble. Please, Gurudeva, I really want to make this my last life in the cycle of birth and death.

HpS - Come on!   What could be more ecstatic than coming on the scene being pulled screaming and crying form the belly of your poor mother cut open with a sharp instrument?

Help!!     I need these classes as much as our while ISKCON.

I promise that in the future I will call on Saturday mornings if it is in any way possible and attend Bhagavatam class. Please forgive me.

your unworthy servant,

Radhika Ramana dasa

HpS - Thank you so much. We are unworthy to be anyone's servant in New Bihar van.

We also noticed a Yahoo letter from your esteemed father ARD. We will look at it with Rama-giridhari Das and post it here also!

Tato jayam uddhirayet.