Hare Krsna.
Here we are in Room 105 in the Guest House, ISKCON Ujjain.
It is 2.30AM and we have seven rounds done.
Our focus is the Daily Srimad Bhagavatam Class in our ISKCON Boise temple.
After bleeding through our stomach to help to get the Saturday morning class, weekly review class, going, we had the experience that it was one of the most delightful times in our life.
Then, by Krsna's, arrangement we took off for six weeks of travel with very difficult contact with ISKCON Boise. We were amused to see what was going to happen.
Personally we had been in airplane, auto, airport from 5.30AM Tuesday until the present, and we were not maintaining our Morning Srimad Bhagavatam class perfectly, because "morning" kept changing hour to hour, but we did do daily reading first. With our feet halfway on the ground we were strong in going to the local class.
Thus we heard Vaisesika Das' class. Bhadri-narayana Swami's class and today we give the morning class with Badri and Bhakti-caru Swami et al present.
Srinivasa Das took advantage of our efforts to communicate and made his own struggle and got our India phone number and then we had a conversation. In 99% good humor he gave his impression of the class last Saturday.
We tried to text, but it failed, and then sent by Skype greetings to Ananta-rupa, Radhika-Raman and Balabhadra Das', asking for their impressions about the class.
We discussed the situation in our Temple in Boise with Vaisesika Das, Badri-Narayana Swami and taking those discussions into mind here is our perspective now. Please respond.
No one in Boise, or even in the material world, has much claim to be perfect and not admit mistakes and offer obeisances to intiated ISKCON devotees and work out practical management problems in organizing Daily SB class.
Big issue was that Srinivasa Das had not "set up" tele-conferencing facility even though Ananta-rupa Das told HpS that Srinivasa should take full charge of organizing the class.
ARD did tell us that in the course of our discussions, once in passing, but we failed to work it out with SND in the rush of leaving for travel. Please forgive our mistake.
ARD got angry and walked out of the class. SND got angry and walked out of the class. Murari Das just watched them get angry and then went home.
Upendra Das wasn't there because he had gone to India. He should have let the Temple President know that and the Temple President could have told SND, organizer, and everyone.
Gopal wasn't there because he went with his new baby to Logan to see Radhika, but they both could have come online to attend their Temple class and when the class didn't come on line they could have phoned the Temple President and he could have referred them to the Weekly Review Class Organizer, SND etc.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Get's complicated when you go to administrative level.
Did Balabhadra Das and Kama-gayatri Devi Dasi try to log on? Has the Weekly Daily Srimad Bhagavatam Review Class been announced to the congregation and have they been encouraged to join the program?
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ho. Ho. He. He.
Our general impression is that unless we get this WDSBRC going we are all going to birth in ISKCON life after life until we solve this problem.
Make it work!
Get it recorded on Startmeeting. com and we will listen to the classes and send our comments.
[Whine! Growl! Complaint!]
Puff and nonsense!
We are all PhDs, CEOs, Earthly Gods. If anyone of us can't get us (HpS, Monkey, Piggy et al) a recording of a WDSBRC then we curse you to have more more opulence than Indra, to be more beautiful the Miss America, and take birth again in ISKCON life after life.
Of course, our curses are probably useless, but we really have no other aspiration than to hear recordings of the WDSBRCs.
Thank you all for your kind attention.
We wait to hear the opinions of others and will post them here.
Jaya! Srila Prabhupada!
Agtt Assembled Devotees!