Urgent Melbourne, Brisbane.

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja
Couple things for Melbourne:

Melbourne is quite conservative. Srimad Bhagavatam classes are text book. Would you like to do a seminar, over 1 or 2 evenings, on Jung and Mysticisim?  It would be Sunday evening 7:30-9:00pm, after Sunday feast class (which you are also booked for) and prasadam. If there were to be part 2 it can be on Monday evening 7:30-9:00pm.

HpS - Hare Krsna! Let us just introduce it in the Sunday Feast and then do it on Monday. Any news from Madhu-manjari Devi Dasi??

I have passed on your diet to Melbourne but they still are requesting what times would you like the bhoga for Nrsmhadeva. If you could give some approximate times for morning, lunch, dinner so I can pacify them that would be great.
HpS - Is there not general devotee Prasadam after the Morning Program? Basically we could just take then, with them, what they eat, no?

University of Queensland
Urban Monk program topic request?

“I think a nice topic name would 'The Timeless Vedas', where Maharaj can discuss some of our concepts in relation to the modern life and also possibly explore the Vedas alongside western Philosophy too…  Also maybe one more thing that would be good for the talk would be if Maharaj can provide some practical tips to encourage people to sort of take up the practice of Krishna Consciousness (i.e. mantra meditation, reading).”

If you are happy to go ahead with this topic they will prepare everything, including posters.

HpS - ASA -- What about continuing with "'Science, Psyche and Spirituality - Prof. C. G. Jung and the Mysticism of Ancient India'. Hanumatpresaka Swami [Prof. Huber Hutchin Robinson], world renown in bringing the treasure of classical Indian mysticism into the modern academic and practical life will give thought provoking insights into this tradition with help from the work of Carl Jung and his followers.
Don't miss this very rare opportunity",
Ys Dhruvananda Das

Here are some posters.

I made the hpsBio.jpg  poster just to let people know you are coming. Is it ok? 

The Brisbane Poster is ready. It was made by Madre Bhakti Candrika from Peru. 

Other (program specific) posters are nearly done also. Coming soon...

HpS - The posters look great. Who is this guy? We want to go. Sell books to new folk. Inspire old folk to distribute them!       FINIS>>

P.S We added a foto of Australian Sankirtan man.