Summary of 9-letters

7 years, 4 months ago by Nanuk in Other

Why Solochana das would have been killed ...

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna. Nanuk Ji.      Srila Prabhupada is with us. We are doing Sankirtan with his living direction.    We see many problems in ISKCON, but we see so many positive possibilities directly with Srila Prabhupada and with our friends in ISKCON and even with the Insititution, which we don't expect to be much more than and insititution, Varna-ashrama-dharma, which is not going to be perfect in Kali - yuga.

Are you a disciple of Prabhupada. I mean do you follow his discipline?   Up early, Mangala-arati-kirtan, SB, Sankirtan, 16-rounds, four principles?

Then we want to associate with you.  If there is only fault finding and not glorification it is Mayavada view, not this, not this.

Not Mayavada, not Sahajiya.  Isopanisad, both seeing faults in material world, Institutional ISKCON, and good qualilties.

We personally talked with the Pulitzer Prize candidate who wrote 'Monkey on a Stick' after serious investigation of this stuff. Other very serious journalist. There conclusion was not that Cakradhari and Tirtha presented a bad case for ISKCON. It presented a bad case for the Navy Seals in not being able to integrate their trained assasins back into normal life.

Our experience does not paint the Insitituion or its Institutional leaders anywhere as black as you present. Maybe we are wrong, but we only seriously listen to critics who are living a popular alternative. Who are involved in book distribution according to their nature and ability.

So, many problems but complete possibility to associate with Srila Prabhupada and get his opinion on anything.

Just one specific example. A personal friend is Akruranatha Das. He was lawyer when Hansadutta sued for copyrights to the BBT publications. Also, Vedaguhya Das.  From them we understand that Hansadutta won copyrights for all pre-1977 books, but then sold them to Vedaguhya, who has been publishing them. The BBT International was the legal name for the BBT as Prabhupada wanted it.

Yes, if they dropped "fairies" out of later editions we think that is probably wrong.

Many things wrong. We are just tying to get our little area right and see the wrongs deleted almost automatically in our area.


Chanting rounds and following principles??