DTC 5(Tu)

7 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC


All the stuff goes on. AGTSP  paoho.   We had a whole ton of work with the India calendar with Rama-giri-dhari Das as he was leaving for India.   We bought the Delhi > Indora (Ujjain) ticket, 2nd October. We got the Indor to Pune ticket, 5th October and then we go by car to Bombay on Sunday.  Then we got the Kolkata Delhi ticket for the 7th.

So much more to do, MOE, Viplavah, NIOS, web-page, grant acquistion, but it seems most of it is not our work. We have to find our place in the orchestra, Rasa-lila, and do that well.

Our Sadhana bhakti is much improved today.

Now we have to stop answering lettes and leave for a timely walk with NGD and FEP.