From: tamohara Das
To: HpS (HHR)
Sent: Sunday, September 3, 2017 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: Hanumat. Swami Brief and Enlivening Bi-annual Report
Hare Krishna,
Thank you so very much for this informative, interesting, and enlivening report. I would happy if everyone I worked with gave such nice reports on a regular basis.
You have such dedication to education, in bringing Krishna Consciousness to both the academic world and to the devotees at large. Srila Prabhupada often spoke of our mission as being an educational one, and you have taken these instructions to heart, and fulfilling them.
I am no one to offer blessings, but Srila Prabhupada will certainly bless your work.
Thanks again.
Your servant,
Tamohara das
PS. BTW - if your are doing work in the area of Psychology, please keep me in mind. I have a keen interest in this area, and in fact, am preparing to do some writing on the intersection of Psychological principles and Krsna Consciousness.
HpS -
The best community we have encountered so far are the Jungians. Prabhupada in Spiritual Dialectialism said that amongst all the Western philosophers Jung had the most sense. Have you read his auto-biography?
Also, Improvisational Theater is big area for Psychology and KC, no?
Thank you.