URGENT Australia 2017 Melbourne

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,


Yes harinam is Friday evenings. We can attend Harinam instead of the Radhe Chai Bar. I have spoken with the owner and he says "As you please". I think harinam is better idea for a few reasons.

1. Radhe Chai Bar normally has yoga class on Friday evening,

2. It's not a temple connection so hard to find people to promote the event and

3. KKS will do program there on Sunday evening so all efforst will be assined to KKS program there.

Harinam Melbourne is a must see. Maybe KKS will join the harinam also. Epic.

Can I please have you meal requirments and times?

ASA - Prasadam!    We offer Lord Nrsmhadeva Fruit and milk in the morning, maybe nutz, and then Peas-porridge ie. oatmeal, splitpeas or pnuts, few almonds, carrots, salt and pepper for lunch, and hot milk and maybe banana or potatoe or carrot after everything (4.30PM?   8.30PM??).

For sure flags,   f l a g s in the Hari-nama, no?


Dhruvananda Das