Bhakti Vidya-purna Swami

7 years, 4 months ago by Nanuk in Other

. . . Bhakti Vidyapurna Swami, . . . report shows . . . abuse. . .

ASA - We edited about 97% of this. I personally talk with Gurukula boys who are now very smart, educated, young married men who were educated by Maharaja from childhood in the Ashrama and who are now very dedicated to carry on his work and working with him in the Ashrama.

To me Maharaja has some attachments. I hear strong critics saying that his fault was that he did not know what was going on in the Gurukula huts. He should have known. I see GBC whose service is Child Protection Office taking direct sanctions for Maharaja, but in other aspects judging that he should go on with his projects.