URGENT Australia 2017 Update

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development




We had our second Daughter Sarasvati, born on 20 October. We spent some time settling in after her epic arrival.

HpS - Ooof!     Wonderful.   Wonderful!   Sankirtan!

Melbourne: A let down to me, the temple president in Melbourne did not alert all his staff and they have double booked for the time that we want to be there. I communicated directly with TP to arrange this visit and he gave his word. On seeing the new events booked for the same time, I conducted some inquiry and discovered that no one, or not the right people new about us coming. This is unfortunate but maybe also fortunate. I don’t know.

I think we should consider going to Sydney instead of Melbourne, unless you have any particular wishes to be in Melbourne. HH Kadamba Kanana Swami has quite the following in Melbourne and will be there from 13th-22nd October and his schedule is busy. Please let me know what you think. You have some disciples in Sydney, Canberra. Maybe between them, the temple and Govindas kirtan restaurant, we could arrange some nice programs there. I was talking with one devotee who does some very small preaching at a University there so maybe we could do something with them also.

If you like this idea we could simply change you Mumbai flight to land in Sydney on the evening of the 12th, leave Sydney on the 17th, then carry on with the rest of the schedule as normal.

Waiting to hear from you.

Your impotent servant

Dhruvananda Da

HpS -    'are Krsna, Mate!     Interesting.       Trying to change these international flights six weeks before the travel can be super, super, super expensive and difficult (but not impossible (if you can do the Krsna-kaliya step)).

What if we just keep the Australia arrivals and departures the same and just spend a day with Maharaja and his program and then move on with our internal travel?

Thank you so much for your efforts. From our experience this is tough work and in the end Krsna arranges where He wants us to go and whom He wants us to meet.

Our respects to Dhanesvari Devi Dasi and everyone!  We will also see if anyone offers suggestions here in the Blog.