SFRY 2017

7 years, 5 months ago by chas d lind in Special Category B

ASA - Follows an intriguing and informative description of the current Lila of Krsna.

S A N   F R A N C I S C O   R A T H A   Y A T R A    2 0 1 7

A breezy landing at the San Jose Airport, my wife looks relieved that we’ve touched the ground… prior-transfers and terminal waiting took its toll. All good, for now we are in California, ISKCON’S 51st San Franiosco Ratha Yatra.(SFRY).

Gathering our luggage we get our rental car and proceed to San Jose, my good wife’s destination with the devotee’s at ISKCON of the Silicon Valley (ISV). Then I’m off to Berkeley for services with the New Jagannatha Puri Temple (NJP).

ThE SFRY radiates grandeur and meticulousness at the same time, the “Acintya Bheda-Bheda Tattva” of events. We are glad to have Prabhu Jagannatha Swami at NJP on this San Francisco Ratha Yatra (SFRY) for 20 some-odd years. The red-tape of SF city hall is a maze of permits and scheduling… then the logistics of street safety, waste disposal and vendors adds to the equation. This is not a job for the weak minded. 

S E T – U P

Arriving early Friday mornin’ before our big event I get a devotee escorted ride to the Truck Rental Agency for one of our numerous vehicles. With only two days to go our service attitudes are priming and will be needed for we’re all working lean and long hours.

Friday afternoon prep’ is on we are dis-assembling floats, rolling staging, storage containers and tent ballasts into the 24 foot bob-tail truck. A bit of extra work this year since we didn’t have enough volunteers for trucking, Hours later all is loaded we are ready for Saturday Set-Up. Meanwhile, at ISV with Vaisesika Prabhu in San Jose, my wife and devotees are packaging and preparing thousands of books for distribution at our Sunday SFRY venue.

6 a.m. Saturday Morn’ and Sharon Meadows in Golden Gate Park is already humming with activity. We were so fortunate to have the Vaisnava Youths attending this festival, their selfless help and efforts bring easier success to this event. The meadows are now a wide scattered orchard of tent poles awaiting their colorful canvas dresses. The Festival of India (FOI) is pulling out signage, flags and ballasts, we start unloading NJP’s equipment and massive wooden stage pieces for the Altar. The cumbersome pieces are strewn about but not too worry, routine construction begins again. Some of the staging is decades old and slightly worn although still quite sturdy. A future goal is to upgrade to modular equipment, for now, the show must go on!

The devotee, Madhuha who manages with (FOI) has been at this for many, many years. Their services have kept Temples alive with the necessary paraphernalia to promote this Krishna consciousness festival with Vedic themed tent-booths, performance staging and sound systems. Majority of FOI is charitably funded (, so remember to give them something when you can.

Our hours of preparation have paid off, festival site is complete just a few loose ends wait on Sunday, though we’re ready for them, it’s expected… as the senior devotee Kamalsan Prabhu reminded me, “Every Temple has it Rasa” and NJP is known for its sudden surprises.

 T H E  B I G  D A Y

Flopping out of my sleeping bag at 4 am Sunday, shower up, Tilak, dress, japa and jump into the truck for 2 morning trips to SF, for final Chariot set-up then return for the Festival Feast preps along with serving equipment.

 Received news that the Chariot Throne was missing at Lord Baladeva’s cart, remember this is the NJP Rasa, always some glitches to keep us motivated and attentive. Packing a drill-gun and fasteners in a belt-pack I start walking to the Parade line and only have 10 minutes till the 11 a.m. start time. Crossing over the streets I take short-cuts through the hilly side paths to JFK Drive and merge onto the main road. Checking the time, just know I’ll be late then after about 2 minutes of walking, then turning I see Rasika-Govinda Prabhu on the motorized golf-cart. Waving my arms he stops, smiles and offers a ride! With just enough room, I stand on the cart’s bed while riding with a full load of devotee’s to our Parade’s starting line.

Just in time, as the devotees are placing Lady Subhadra and Srila Prabhupada on Their chariot,  the Sun miraclously breaks through the clouds! The lost Throne has been found and Lord Baladeva’s already sitting in His place, though He is not secure to the base, pulling out the drill-gun and fasteners I quickly screw it down , check the Lord’s seat-belts… we are ready to go!

Chariots slowly begin rolling with the Vaisnava’s towing. This is one the biggest turn-outs we’ve seen since Srila Prabhupada’s appearances, 3,000 plus Souls chanting , “Hare Bol!”, this is the Spirit of Ratha Yatra, Vaisnava’s young and old all chanting along rejoicing in the Lord’s eternal song. Gaining momentum the lead float with Lord Nityananda and Mahaprabhu are starting up the roads gentle slope the rest of the parade is on, following the SF devotees kirtan on a flat-bed truck jubilantly chanting the Maha-mantra, ”Hare Krishna Hare Krishna  Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama  Hare Rama  Rama Rama Hare Hare!”

F E S T I V A L  T I M E

Throngs of devotee’s and pedestrians now flow into the tented festival, lines for the free feast pour out of the park, lines for snacks, drinks and literature entwine, the Show is just beginning to unwind. Warm bhajans on the stage bring the parks winds to play, cooling the day. Dancers sway with the sounds and the show moves all around. Coming to a crest our NJP Temple President brings a fusion band to the test. A reeling sitar comes through, tabla’s too and the 12 piece drums gives the festival a rousing run.

Across the grounds at an adjacent tent, food distribution that is Heaven sent. Prasadam chow is dished out with 5 preps for the hungry crowd. The Folsom devotee’s cooked for days, bringing joy to palettes in many ways. Alongside the ravenous group is ISV’s Book stand and troupe with Srila Prabhupada’s books in hand, delivering the Spiritual scoop.

Whilst all this is going on, Their Lordships Jagannatha, Baladeva and Lady Subhadra smile strongly while the music quieted, we’re sadly excited for Our Lordships final ride subsided. Returning in Their exalted car, Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva, Lady Subhadra with Srila Prabhupada drove off,  somberly we watch the departure from afar.

O U R  D E P A R T I N G

With our meager volunteers and the enthusiastic Vaisnava youth we are eager to roll the stages up and not have anything loose. Hours fly by and we pack in order to make it easy for next year’s supporters.

Driving back to NJP a sense of relief from a successful event can’t be beat and know it’s the good Lord’s mercy that there’s no adversity. We’ll meet up the next day, finalize our unloading, take the truck back and we’re on our way returning to our services when the next Ratha Yatra emerges.

All Glories to Srila Prahupada, All glories to the Vaisnava’s!

sincerely, your servant in training, 
ccd (caitanya caritamrta dasa, dasa anu dasa)