few things

7 years, 4 months ago by Namacarya das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

(Yesterday) we talked about publishing somewhere your Encyclopedia articles. But we did not finished the topic. I would be happy if I can (try) to do that. If you agree, please tell me what and where should be done.

HpS - ASA -- If we have anything to offer we might put it in this encyclopedia format. We could post articles or revisions to articles here in the Blog and if you could then update (changing the name) the file in the ASA Archivesthat would be great. The current file in the Archives is asa-encyclopedia170810.docx. If it is updated on the 15th of September it will become asa-encyclopedia170915.docx.
Might work?
There were already I think two articles that we posted. They are probably in Category B.  Hmmm!    An encyclopedia according to Brown and White et al.  Maybe other would like to submit articles also!

Another thing... Did you and devotee from MOE thought to publish/share the Journal online? Websites like Dandavats, https://news.iskcon.org, GBC website are possible good places.

HpS - Thank you very much. Would you like to become a Member of the Executive Committee of the Ministry of Education?

And one more thing... I feel really grateful for and appreciate a lot our Monday meetings.

HpS - We feel very grateful for your association and of course those meetings, 8.30PM, Monday, at Startmeeting.com, are especially designed for anyone in Europe to join, or anywhere else - ASA - ABC.

Your servant Namacarya das