report from chile

7 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

´Hare krishna Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to srila prabhupada 

Gurudev I hope this letter finds you well in all aspects. I would have liked to take more darshan of you but  my childrens were sick during your visit ...

16 rounds and 4 principles are ok. But I am going through a very difficult test and it is affecting all aspects of my life ... it is a delicate situation to write it in the blog that is why I wrote to your mail with a copy to my husband. Excuse me I know that you are no longer receiving these types of letters but I ask you to please make an exception, it is urgent.

HpS - I think we got it and answered, no?

As I told you in fmp we are doing sankirtan in universities with a team of devotees (priya sakhi, gokulesvari and me) has been a wonderful experience, what has surprised me most is that many students and teachers take b'gitas.  Is a discreet modality (they do not know that we are hare krishna`s) We present ourselves as students of philosophy or representatives of a publishing house.

HpS - Both are true.

we are working in the prasadam distribution (my husband and i) since 2 months ago We made that change because my husband felt that the work environment and the long working day was greatly affecting his state of consciousness ... and it has been a positive change

Well, Gurudev see you in fmp thank you very much for everything, I hope to become worthy to be your discipule some day.
(sorry if my english its not good...iam only use google translate jeje)

your eternal servant 

indu-lekha devi dasi

HpS - Letter is great!!      You have bad Karma. I have bad Karma, but if we use it for Krsna it can be spiritual Karma.   Nice looking kid!