I am trying to get on lecture tomorrow through the net!!

7 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO!! And I want to make a donation to ASA. Please tell me your International Bank account number, or for me it would be much more easier if you could have a bitcoinwallet and a card like xapo, or more better still Bitwa.la card, which you can use as bank card and visa electron in bank automates and shops, who accepts VISA. And also pay bills. Straight from bitcoin, this all, on that card (XAPO doesn't have bill paying option) It would be for me Maharaja very much easier and less risky thinking about taxes. https://www.bitwala.com/ Maharaja I have to say Blockchain technology is something very very blessed thing looking from my life:) But if cash is preferred be it like that. Everything is Krishna. Teachin HK!!!!!#!

HpS - ASA --- Let us wait a while. If you use the money to buy BBT books, stack them up where you can see them and then get them out, that will be perfect investment for NIOS.

Thank you very much!!