7 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Ok , the problem really seems to be in Radhanath Swami: this is girl who was abused by Bhavananda........and then Radhanath Swami has also raped people according to this documentary. This is heavy. This is good slovenian page. Hanuman ki jay!! I knew about Bhakti Bhringa Swami not being pure at all:

Hare Krishna!!!!! Hare Rama, may Radha be always on your side, and maybe mine too.

ASA - Didn't have chance to follow the links, but I know they said that Hansadutta Swami was sitting on the Vyasa-asana in the Sunday Feast in Berkeley in cowboy boots and shoot guns, but I was there. He didn't do that, so would have to see lot of detail to get exact decision about someone's moral character.
ISKCON is very big. I fight for it's purity as an institution, which is not going to be perfect; I have my friends like you, Namacharya, Abhirama, Karuna krsna, Nitya-kishori ...........

And I have my own personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada. We are little fish, sh, sh, sh, in the big ocean of ISKCON.
.. not discounting criticism of our leaders, just putting it to the microscope.