This one is really URGENT!!

7 years, 4 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!!

Hare Krishna. PAMHO at your lotus feet Guru Maharaj.

Guru Maharaj,

Can we book the tickets from Kolkata to Imphal for 1st Nov ?(......I hope its a typing the last letter). If yes, would do that ASAP. And the return ticket for 4th Nov morning.

Everything about NOI seminar and workshop is just wonderful ! Am working in a hospital and my field is Physiology. I train medical students, Dental students and Nursing students. Will take leave on those 4 days.....please...please...please ....instruct us, your fallen servants here. We will arrange for the deliberations and other programmes here at Radha Krishnachandra mandir, Imphal.

Your most fallen servant,

Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi

HpS ASA -- AGTSP. When I look at it says, "Buy Right Away. Only one ticket left at this price!!", but when I went to Indigo directly it showed many seats to chose from still.  Yamunesvara says that Haridas Swami will be in Manipur 28th and we can fix things then but that is too long to wait, no? Also, considering Australia, Calcutta, Manipur (Silchar), Mayapura, USA, we don't have much other choice. So we will go ahead and book now and post the details here.

What e-mail address is good for your good self. Dr. Samaresh wanted to contact you about arranging programs.

Thank you all.