ASA-Encyclopedia; Epistemology; Blind Faith

7 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category B

ASA-Encyclopedia; Epistemology; Blind Faith
In BG 4.34 Srila Prabhupada says that blind faith and absurd enquirer are condemned. Krsna always gives us enough information to act. Whether we chose to act on what we know or don’t know, that is being faithful or unfaithful.
We have had experience of Srila Prabhupada through many media. Especially we have applied his instructions, world-view, many times and it is always true. We especially remember one time we were in a Kirtan after the Sunday Feast in the San Francisco Temple. We were guests, visiting from Sacramento and not yet initiated or even knowing much of anything,but we had purchased a pair of Kartals, hand cymbals, from the Gift Store and were trying to play then, 1,2,3 and; 1,2,3 and… and dance and chant along with the Brahmacaris. It was taking all of our attention: Spatial orientation, Temporal Discrimination, Tonal Discriminatin, Meaning; and then suddenly we realized that our mind and senses were completely under control. We could see that we were not our body or mind. We saw ourselves as master as it says in SB 1.2.

Then our mind asked, “If we are not this body, or mind, then who are we?” We were standing in front of Radha Gokulananda, Their Dieties, and we spontaneously could see Them as people, though in a statue form, and we responded that we are Your servants. Then our mind asked, “How can we learn to serve you, more”? The answer was that you have made progress by this process, ISKCON Yoga, so if you continue you will gradually understand everything just you have understood this.
Reminds us of the verse where Rama says “sakrd eva prapananam…”, if even once in clear consciousness we say that we are surrendered to you please save me, I give that person all protection to come to Me, this is my eternal vow.
So that was essentially my Diksa, initiation, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada’s process.
Thus we have faith in what he says, trying to understand it properly, because if his process can put us beyond the body and mind then he and his activities and words must also be beyond them. He is not bewildered by his mind with blind spots and personal grievances against this person or that person. He is criticizing them out of the anger of love.