ASA-Encyclopedia; Immortality; Marginal Existence

7 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category B

ASA-Encyclopedia; Immortality; Marginal Existence.
When we were at the University of California, Davis, we took several courses on theater, improvisational theater. We recommend them for everyone. Our yoga is Gandharva Veda, no -- Music, dance, drama?
One day our teacher was teaching us how to use our bodies. How to walk. Then told us, “Let your body tilt to the side until you are just about to fall down and then step to the side to catch it from falling. Then keep it off balance and falling to the left and keep stepping to keep it from falling.”
We always remember that. You can always dance on the edge.As long as you can breath you can chant.
H A R E !   K R S N A!
If your voice is inflamed so you can hardly talk, investigate. How much sound can you actually produce without unhealthy strain on your goal cords, throat?
Once you find out, then chant with what you have on the margin of real speech and experiment with the variety of chanting you can do.
“There are no small parts in the drama, just small actors”, Constantin Stanislavsky
Maybe you are not a major actor in the political situation. What can you do to make a change for the better? Investigate your Marginal Existence. Become very active within your limits.
“If you don’t think your one little voice can have any influence in the global politics, then you obviously have not passed one night with a mosquito”, One Black Lady.
At the time of death, during nine months in the womb, in your imbecilic infancy, can we still Dance on the Margin?
Hare Krsna/Hare Rama.