Happy Janmastami Maharaj

7 years, 5 months ago by David Leyton in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to GouraNitay

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you Maharaj

Please accept my humble reverence and forgive me for my affront because of my ignorance.

HpS - ASA -- You got affront, but I assure that our affront is so much worse!      '@'jmj~

I am Dandakaranya Das, thank you for initiating me, I'm really happy.

ASA - We are Monkey/Piggy. We are wiry and fat. Thanks for being initiated.

My life changed and my service too. Now I'm doing service on the kitchen. I'm cooking for Deities at midday on Sundays. My sadhana is getting up at 6 am everyday and chanting at least 8 rounds then I get ready for work. However I still have a kind of pain in my heart that bothers me. I thought that the fire ceremony would finish it. What should I do to finish or control these torments from my heart?

ASA - Have more fire sacrfices: 2nd initiation, 3rd initiation, ...  125th iniation.   The Gopis have pain in Their hearts still, but is better pain: "The land, the cows, the buffalos and the trees, are all unlimited nectarean seas, of the most intense mellows of spiritual pain, something which only the most fortunate ever obtain."

Happy Balaram Purnima and Happy Janmastami. 

Thank for letting me to serve on your lottus feet and the Parampara.

Haré Krishna

HpS - ASA --- Lettuce feet AND  P A R A M P A R A !    What do you cook for Crnsa on Sunday.   Gaura Nitai don't eat it. They give it to Krsna!