Lakhovsky MWO-usage of the coil

7 years, 4 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

PAMHO. Here, Krishna must be held responsible for the most beautiful emerald worlds. 30 terminal patients with cancer was given to Royal Rife and the healing percentage was 100%.:
In 1934, Royal Rife was given a number of human test subjects. This group was from the Pasadena County Hospital and all of them had terminal cancer. They had been essentially left to die because no more could be done for them by the cancer industry.
Under the supervision of a Special Medical Research Committee of pathologists and oncologists from the University of Southern California (USC), the patients were brought to Rife’s laboratory in San Diego to undergo his unique experimental treatment.
It was their job to expertly document the progress of the patients over a 90-day period during treatment. They reported astounding results: 86.5% of the patients were completely cancer free. Another 13.5% received an adjusted treatment (more potent) for an additional 30 days and then they also became 100% cancer-free. In conclusion Rife’s “beam-ray” technology was 100% effective against terminal (stage IV) cancer in all of the participants.
Not Everyone Wants a Cure for Cancer
However, not everyone was excited about this success. Rife’s technology posed a huge threat to the cancer industry and medical institutions in general who, according to statistics, get most of their revenue from oncology. In other words, if cancer can be cured they would go bankrupt − and lose out on making billions of dollars treating cancer patients.

ASA - They could grow squash, corn and beans instead, remain celibate and chant HK

They were not about to let that happen. The cancer industry was dedicated to preventing the public from discovering that there was a painless treatment that had a 100% cure rate for terminal cancer. It was also inexpensive because it operated on a minimal amount of electricity.
The medical establishment didn’t want people to get the “dangerous idea” that they didn’t need drugs; that would mean they didn’t need Big Pharma! The medical mafia (American Medical Association, American Cancer Society, and FDA) was on the trail to stamp out, obliterate, and debunk the truth before it could ever get out. And they were pretty successful… (I have heard that there is iron like professionals nowadays to do these, from government level-Nanuk).for a while.
Dr. Royal Rife kept meticulous records of his laboratory results, including stop-motion photography, resulting in a huge archive of evidence that his Rife Frequency Machine worked. Using a “beam-ray device” − or frequency generator − he emitted electric impulses to gently, painlessly, target cancer viruses inside of the cells. It caused the viruses to become denatured (structurally break down) which deactivated them.
More specifically, Dr. Rife used a two frequency generating machine to send a “carrier frequency” (high radio) and the low frequency that matches the microbe’s (cancer virus) signature frequency into the body. This electrical energy penetrated the cell membrane of the cancer-infested cell and caused the microbe to over-oscillate and implode. It is somewhat like a laser putting a hole in the target resulting in the contents flowing out and killing it.
Here, I would say the end is not most professional author’s, I would say Georges Lakhovsky had it better said, much. But I am trying to get some High Voltage power source like zephyr technologies, to cut out wholly the effect of the common 50 Hz AC- completely from the energy flow. And then use Garuda Tadit’s vortex coils like the Lakhovsky MWO-machine’s antennae with MWO’s power source, with maybe multiple spark gaps(to achieve true multiple wave oscillation or MWO, and as human cells finds from the multitude of wavelengths there in MWO, their own frequency and strengthens or makes cells kind of younger electrically, for Lakhovsky could almost show that cells are electrical circuits: and nowadays it’s clearly shown that cell nucleus is anodic or -(was it acidic) and otherwise cell would cathodic or +(alkaline). But also that all the cell structures all the time sends radio messages to each other is something quite revolutionary. So with the same process these coils can find their own tune from multiple oscillations from multiple spark gaps, only problem these are ready-made quite expensive, at least 3000€) This is the same process almost where free-energy will be found if it’s found, in the coils. I know it from tuning of the Bedini-motor, the process for the electricity is kind of same, but here it is also exposed to this Rodin’s or Bahai’s or Vedic mathematic’s sacred geometry.

I ordered from Ukraine very cheap Violet Ray machine, these are the best achievements of humanity and still suppressed violently. It makes one see realistically how the 3 gunas are in full control, nothing else, not in material impersonal world, nothing else. And karma, for who would for example like to have a cancer when there is 100% cure for that, invented a long time ago :). More than 100 years ago, by Gentleman named: Nikola Tesla. Actually he is behind all: Royal Rife, Lakhovsky(they knew each other), Violet Ray…. : He never patented in electrotherapy but in 1891 began publishing his observations in technical journals, and seven years later we find Tesla giving a speech to the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in which he details with drawings the high-frequency apparatus he has invented for this purpose, which included a Tesla coil.
Actually after Tesla was hit by a taxi after visiting the President of United States, he healed himself with his own machines, all the fractures, all. He never went to hospital. After that he also started sending letters to Stalin, for the Father Sunny or how they say it :) :).
I studied further the TR-3B astra(you may want to edit that away, if published for this must be one of the top category search words for intelligence used algorithms) but it seems to have only one liquid (with ferro-liquid making other metals in it, there is a list of metals which will become super conductive in low temperatures) mercury liquid (which crash site has been reported to glow green and blue from different directions looked) motor, and three other ones are conventional thrusters, but there is much information and models, it seems deliberately, to make confusion, still they have flew these above europe, also has to be deliberately. But here they use the most expensive technics, also as outside material, it’s crazy. So this liquid would be pressurized to 250 000 psi and then in it’s liquid state becoming superfluid, vibrating almost as a one atom(Bose–Einstein condensate) Then it’s spun 45 000 RPM, making weight reduction of more than 70% for the craft. And it is crafted as very light otherwise also, but nuclear powered.
No good, I am sure this Bahai prophecy coil which we perfected will bring better results, at least when the superconductive materials becomes cheaper, or well liquid nitrogen is not so very expensive nowadays already….

P.S. Fluorescent tubes used to run on lower frequencies, but it wasn’t good then for eyes if not put into different sequences in the space, but yes these closer 20 000Hz frequencies are very high sounds, before it was I think maybe 700Hz….

This is beautiful: Love your Lover's loveable. For Her, for Him, become quite voluble.

P.P.S. Maharaja, here was quite much information, I guess you don't need it all. The main point is that Tesla maybe truly found a way to teach again the archetypal world to humanity which is always endangered by the demons, who have the most effective tactics to keep people in oblivion.

ASA - Oink!       We scanned it. Got the highlights. What about crystals like the Syamantaka jewel? Some are inhabited, alive. They can do a lot of this stuff in a natural way?   Do we produce pizo-electric crystals in the pineal gland under certain conditions?

Are these you photos!?   You look like you just got out of a session in a Telsa radio-health oven. Happy.