7 years, 5 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accep my obeisances to your feets of lotus!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

AL Glories to Radha Madhana bihari!

Thank you for putting that title Gurudeva !!

It made me laugh a lot!

Once I heard of lotus lips that if one gets up one day late .. two days .. mm but three or more the witch is controlling us or something. So I will continue to fight with extreme firmness today I was getting difficult to fast .. lately I am tired but it will pass. And read your answer I took away the hunger todi !!

Jay gurudeva !!

I want to tell you some dreams ... some were long ago .. I was embarrassed to tell them .. today encourage me .. like three times dream with chosica:

-first dream that srimari radharani was coming down from the altar to dance to Madhana Bihari !! It was so exciting to see that !! Again I saw that srimati radharani was a teenager dancing in the center of the devotees !!!

-In another time I saw a rathayatra where you were and many devotees! Then I saw myself in a temple in India. I was in the group of devotees and I saw you in the group of devotees and you radha japa can sing or dance I do not remember and I thought of the dream .. how do I dance in this place so sacred yo ?? And above so many good vailarinas here .. but the mercy of Gurudeva is so great I thought and I will receive it! So I did!

-As a week ago I dream of mother astasakhi, I was going to see a ratha yatra in the beach and you were there, I advise that sri color is good for a festival ratha yatra and m astasakhi helped me.

-I also remember having dreamed of You in India. I was going to dance and you went into the dressing room where there were many dancers and an older mother helps me to change. You gave me your blessings for the dance and went with the audience. I went dancing and I saw it in the audience and I thought how lucky I am to have a Guru like you who inspires so much in my service !!!

-And today at the dawn of janmastami he dreamed that he was in the pujari de chosica and offered five mechitas of guee to sri sri RMV was so happy to be there. I was with my friend gopi priya (PS) we were happy to be there. She is a friend with whom we escaped in the middle of the night to go to Chosica .. sometimes the mothers ashram was closed and we slept on the bench near to Garden of the ashram under the starry sky of chosica. All we wanted was to be there with SSRMV and with the devotees. they saved my life.

-Only today I wish to thank you for allowing me to celebrate in my heart this special date of the day of the advent of sri krsna. I will try more inspired the avatar avatar stotra in manipuri dance style (style that I fall in love with more and more) and read with my family the hobby.

I will cook an offering and dance for my lord of lotus-eyes. I only ask you to pray for me so that He always looks at me, so that I can always remember loving him more than anyone (not confusing me more) and serving him lovingly. All this can be possible by His grace GM you can turn melechas like me into whatever you want. [AGTSP!]

That is its power. your aspirante to servent:

Japa prati jalpa Radha dd

HpS - ASA --- Thank you!     "You know I've heard of Their romance, but I've never actually seen Them dance", Mangala ananda Das' song.   We just litle donkeys like you in the long line of little donkeys carry pnuts back to Goloka, but Srila Prabhupada is the caravan manager. Follow the donkey in front of you.