Report from Chile, Bhaktin Sole Oyarce

7 years, 5 months ago by SoleOyarce in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krsna Maharaja,
How is it going? How is your health? I imagine the body tired but its awareness as high as ever. How merciful to be able to associate with a pure devotee, and to be sheltered at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada.

ASA - Always a struggle with the material nature, no?   On the other hand Her sitimulation can also help us to engage in devotional service. Purify your reactions to Maya, don't give them up!

Maharaja, I was silent for some months without writing anything. The truth has had ups and downs, spiritual life is like a roller coaster, and this last time I've been a little low, my energy, my mood, I have not sung well my rounds, I've had negative thoughts. I avoid feeling guilty, understanding that carrying a spiritual work is difficult, sometimes you just have to have will and keep going, in the fight with the witch.

ASA - Jaya! You must have worked for Mother Teresa in your last life.

However, I am following all the regulative principles, except for the singing of my rounds, which is weak, but day by day making the effort to continue with more force.

HpS - If you don't finish them, then keep track of your debt and when you have the chance make them up!

Please give me your blessings Maharaja not to fall. Could you give me some instruction as to how to follow my Sadhana with more enthusiasm and commitment?

HpS - I don't know your specific situation, but a three very general principles are 1) Associate with devotees, 2) Associate even more with devotees and 3) Call devotees on the phone for friendly talks.

With regard to services, with Abhimanyu Das we are running Food for Life, we are already part of the service globally, being advised by very loving devotees of Cordova and Australia. The team has grown a lot, there are more and more devotees who want to join, whether with donations or providing in the kitchen. We have had some mishaps, such as conflicts, which I believe are inherent in our material condition, the ego in the middle, wanting to have reason all the time and seeing the negative in others, unsaid words, and the result? The conflict, but my learning is to practice tolerance, patience and empathy, I can still obey the devotees who sing Hare Krsna.

HpS - NOI-3, Enthusiasm is more important than tolerance, try to find out what is the cause of the conflict and turn it into a cause for harmony!   Super Chica with her cat, Super-kitty!

Also we are with the kitchen of the Sunday party, the care program for devotees and cooking one day a week to the deities at the time of Brahma Muhurta. We are happy, and personally, I pray Jagannatha much to take me on duty, and from one day to another begins to take many services, which arrived without looking for them personally. I hope to serve Srila Prabhupada properly and that he can feel satisfied,  the service is what does not allow me to fall and keeps me steadfast in my love and thought towards Sri Krsna.

On the other hand, I tell the authorities of the temple of Chile my intention to take refuge with Maharaja Dhanvantari, clearly there are a number of requirements, which I fulfill, only need to take the course of bhaktas. I think that at the moment they are even more demanding than previous years, giving the feeling in the environment that there are many obstacles to take shelter or initiations, stressing a little relationships, I just hope that that improves and the deals are with love and from the trust.

And as far as my material life is concerned, I change jobs again, I'm in a school helping children with "special needs" who are part of an "integration project" I'm also in charge of "school coexistence" This, until our Travel to Brazil to go with Maharaja Dhanvantari be concrete, please give us your blessings.

Maharaja thank you very much for your patience in reading our letters, for solving our questions, for our doubts, for helping us clear our minds, for helping us to advance spiritually. My obeisances Maharaja, I am eternally grateful to have the possibility of associating with you, that it is my Siksa Guru, that brings us closer to Krsna, to have the possibility to be a witness of his Sankirtana, of his preaching. Many thanks Maharaja,

From Chile, in separation
B. Ma. Soledad.

HpS - ASA -- The Indian friends like very much to participate in  Food for Life. Quite rightly they do not like to give money, but will come and cook, distribute, and then when they see a need for bhoga, a vehicle, they will join together and buy it!!   Mehra bharata mahan hai!   My India is great!!!  It can be the very greatest.

Keep up the effort, you will learn how to be an ISKCON woman following the Leader, Srila Prabhupada, personally.