Hare Krsna,
AGTSP We had very strong stomach cramps yesterday. They came about every two minutes. We let them grab our whole body and then they would go away. Then during BG lecture came so intense we almost lost consciousness, was flushed and voice jammed up. After that they went away for some time.
This morning almost nothing. Today had SB class with many devotees. Talks with NGD, Upendra and Srinivasa acharya Das. Then Post Office. Mailed ten NIOs to Rick and Yashoda rani. Bought carrots and frozen orange juice. Offered them to Krsna steamed with little butter. Some little stomach ache.
Maybe ulcer from our abuse of body. Maybe stomach cancer.
Maybe die in the next few weeks.
Monday is solar eclipse. Here is one of the few places it can be seen. Big concerts. Don't go out. Don't cool or worship diety during this time. Very evil influence, Rahu. Also deadline for fight between Trump and Korea-raja. Maybe Monday nuclear exchange with the terminatio of Korea, three USA cities destroyed, nuclear fall-out, all telecomunications disrupted, USA economy destroyed. We just sit down and chant Hare Krsna and depend on Krsna. We are in the middle of Eastern European struggle. From Wealth to Extreme Poverty, but if it is Krsna's desire then O.K. Just chant and leave this world or stay in chaotic situation and contribute our sanity.
Wake up! You are watching a movie!
Anwswered as many letters as we can. Now time to go see NGD. Evening program at about 7.15PM to 7.30PM, Bhajan-kirtan. The later reading Krsna book.
If we don't have anymore electronic communication we can communicate by dreams!