Indradyumna Das

7 years, 7 months ago by Indradyumna Das in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaj


Dandavat Pranam

Good news, now is confirmed my travel booking.

26 September arriving to Vrindavan. I am so happy I can do service for you .

8.November,have  a flight from Delhi airport to Belgrade Serbia ,same day like you to Houston. If you will visit Mayapur ,my wish is to associate and serve you there too .I am so happy and exciting to see you very soon.

Your servant

Indradyumna Das

Hare Krishna

HpS - AGTSP!   Paoho.  We arrive 28th in Delhi at 10.40PM.   I guess we will be based in the Glory of India Temple and may be able to visit Vrndavana only one day!!!!

After that we've published the schedule with more details even today. Just use the filter, "Calendar Development" to see them. Nov. 4-6th in Mayapura.