Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj. Pamho, AGTSP!
Here I'am in Arequipa, PerĂº, for a week of seminars with devotees. I'm giving an introduction of 3 very important courses for leaders: Lidership and Management, Communications, and Conflict resolving. I think that every manager in ISKCON have to take this courses. Furthermore, My opinion is that this have to be one of the qualifications to take any post of reponsability within ISKCON. I've already took the 3 courses and now I'm giving my own version.Well, ASA version, I mean that I'm adding many of your injuctions about this topic that I've learnt form you for many years. Devotees are very excited and enthused with this seminar. Takes a lot of preparation: study guides taken from ISKCON documents, ppt shows. I'm very satisfied with my work. Of course, this is happening due to your mercy and blessings and the blessings of all my friends that Ive been receiving during these days.
On saturday I'm giving a Pada Padma seminar (3 hours) obviously with your study guides and ppts shows. And I'm coming back to Chosica for Janmastami and Prabhupada's festival.
HpS - ASA --- Wow! You are really active for a "dead guy". Amazing. Your body was damaged to death and now you are injecting real knowledge into the World Wide Web!!!
Next new is that I'm doing my matriculation to study my master degree in La Cantuta. I've already missed one semester becouse I did'nt make my mind properly and some problems with paper work. I think that I cannot just sit and wait to happend something regarding to my wish to travel and have experience abroad as I was thinking. If everything goes well, I'll be starting my classes on Setember for a year and a half. The investiment is not that much so I can deal with that with no much effort.
HpS - ... and you will meet interesting people who may invite you to visit different worlds and you can show them how to offer bread and cheese to Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha after they are offered to Govinda! Such great preaching opportunities!
Please, give me your merciful blessings to acomplish this or just intelligence to figure what Prabhupada and Krishna want me to do for them. I hope my proyects are good enough for you too.
HpS - ASA -- They are super. Just grab the elephant anywhere and eventually you will know the whole beast!
Goura gadhadara is sending regards. She is also looking for something else. She wants to expand her preaching. She wants to go to a place where she can work with devotees on worship and do something with other people on things she knows like yoga, etc. She is asking for contacts. She wants contact that devotee that have this proyect in Alaska that you always mention. Please, send some mail, address or something.
HpS - ASA -- Shyam-gopala Das. Dinali Lodge. He sold it for something like $12-million or less and then had spinal hernia and had to spend three hours up in the air like an automobile on a metal rack getting body repair! Tough go, ei, Mate!!! Well, death is the sum-total of all bad experiences so I guess people like Prabhuji and you have the advantage over us of getting ready! The other person would be Visvanatha-cakra-varti Das in Chile! She might even want to go and join his Yoga studio. I don't know too much about this, but I think it can be very, very successful.
I'm understanding more and more the importance of the FMP and I'm preaching a lot about it everytime that I have the chance. I have a few students and friends and we always talk about it. Always quoting what I've learnt from you.
HpS - ASA -- We learned it from Prabhupada, who I guess learned it from Krsna, in His example in the KRSNA book of the Daily Affairs of Lord Krsna (which also explains why roosters don't have much money).
If there's anything good in me is due to your mercy.
HpS - ASA -- We are a pig made into to an aviator by His Divine Grace, no humility involved. A mean pig.
If I know anything is because of you. I've learnt that to be succesful in KC we require lots of intelligence and that is built with nice rounds during brahma muhurta and Srimad Bhagavatam...there's not other way...convinced more and more. Without this our devotion is weak, more o less a nice illusion.
Thanks for listening. And again, without your blessings I'm nothing. Please, remember me in your prayers.
your eternal servant,
The LaD
HpS - ASA -- I hope that you are getting more and more profound intelligence about your service, Sankirtan, in this life and even eternally!! Let's stay in touch forever?!! My repects to Dandakaranya Das and Rukmini-sundari Devi Dasi et al!!!! Arrequipa can lead the world. The latent volcano of love.