ASA-Encyclopedia Appended

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category B

We have been working on an ASA-Encyclopedia. We will post it in the Archives. We just added the following article:



(rev. 2017 Aug 10)

There is a collection of Śatakas (One hundred verses) by Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Uncle of Gopal Bhatta Goswami, wherein he describes the glories of Śrī Vṛṇdavana Dhama. It is Sri Vrndavana Dhama Mahimamrta. It is one of our most favorite books.

It is very curious to change each reference to Vrndavana in the song to ISKCON and then meditate on ISKCON. For example:

15 May the land of ISKCON where Subala and the other wonderful cowherd boys, who are all dear friends of Sri Krsna, play, where Lalita and the other splendidly beautiful young gopis, who are all filled with love for Srimati Radharani, enjoy transcendental bliss, and where Sri Sri Radha-Krsna thirst to enjoy wonderful transcendental amorous pastimes day and night, become manifest in my heart.

16 To drink: the freely flowing streams are filled with clear sweet water as nectar. To eat: the dried leaves from the trees are foods as palatable as one could desire. The warm breezes are just as one would have them. To reside: there are clean mountain caves and other suitable residences. Alas! Alas! How unfortunate I would be if I wished to leave ISKCON!

17 ISKCON is like the incomparable essence of the ocean of pure love of Krsna, or it is like the sweetest island-bracelet decorating that ocean of love. I pray this land of ISKCON, which the great sages experience sweet as nectar, give me shelter until the moment I leave this body.

18 I meditate on wonderful ISKCON, where there are millions of lakes, ponds, and wells, all filled with water as sweet as transcendental nectar, where there are many gardens filled with blossoming transcendental flowers and fruits and unlimited wonderful trees and vines, where there are numberless transcendental deers and other animals who move here and there, and where there are many beautiful transcendental groves.

19 Whose heart would not be enchanted by ISKCON where Sri Radhika-Madanamohana enjoy many pastimes, where there are many trees and flowering vines, where the ground is paved with jewels, and where the birds, deer and other animals are all maddened with transcendental bliss?

So, there is that ISKCON, no? Srila Prabhupada is its Founder and Acharya and it is perfect in every way. Let us aspire to be eternal members of Srila Prabhupada’s eternal Sankirtan party.

There are some things, however, that we think should be changed in the earthly ISKCON. These are our opinions and our first opinion is that many of our opinions aren’t perfect. Look at the revision date to this article.

Mangala-arati song in Vrndavana, Krsna-Balarama Temple - We were sitting in Prabhupada’s Samadhi while the Mangala Arati was going on in the main Temple and Dhananjaya Das was there. He had been Temple President there in the association of Srila Prabhupada and had a dynamic relationship with Prabhupada. It seemed we had a similar opinion. The Temple Mangala-arati song was changed when the Samadhi for Srila Prabhupada was established and a separate Mangala-arati performed there. In our opinion the Gurvastakam, “Samsara davanala…”, should have been kept for the Main Temple and gone on just as it had when Srila Prabhupada was in his manifest presence. Then with the addition of Samadhi service another song should have been added, such as, “Oh he vaisnava thakura…” etc. Dhanjaya Das pointed out that the Temple song, “Vibhavari sesa…”, was an Arunadaya kirtan, a sunrise Bhajana, as the song itself directly says, and Mangala-arati is never done at sunrise.

GBC Lifelong Position – As far as we know there is only one letter where Srila Prabhupada says that the GBC position should be for life. See the article on Epistemology, Letters from Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada may have said “Why change GBC position each year? They can serve for as long as they have life” and the secretary wrote “for life”. In one place Srila Prabhupada says that the life in this body is finished at 50-years old, maybe you can push it to fifty-five. So our opinion is that GBC Secretary should usually be no older than 50-years. Then younger, more energetic man can move in and the retired devotee can then be source of good advice as a Sannyasi or Vanaprastha.

Nrsmha-pranams in Spanish countries is sung, “Prahlada ahlada da dayine”. There is no second, “da” before “dayine”.

Temple President post has been terrible minimized with exaggeration of diksa-guru and over centralization of power in GBC.

Sannyasis in ISKCON are the supreme spiritual authorities (see SB 1.17 near the end) and GBC is the ultimate managing authority. Sannyasis, Brahmanas, need to be honest and brave to have their important influence in ISKCON.

Vaisnavi is a term that we never hear Prabhupada use in the Prema-dhvani after the Aratis. In his books it usually means Maya-devi. If that is what you mean, “All glories to the assembled Maya-devis” then O.K. Other references are for the prostitute who tried to corrupt Hari-dasa Thakura and for Diti who tried to kill her sister’s babies. Prabhupada uses it for the wife of Siki-mahiti who was one of the most intimate associates of the Lord and for his sister also. We think it should not be emphasized because it puts a bodily stress on the Vaisnava like saying “Atmi”. I wonder why Jayapataka Swami uses it so much? We have had really transcendental experiences with him.

Peach colored cloth for B’caris - If you are not married don’t wear white. It lets everyone one know if you are a B’cari or a G’hasta. Then we have a clear culture in our dealings with the opposite sex etc and make it hard for The Witch to get us. If you are not following B’cari ashrama strictly then dress in civil clothes.