Sample Funding Letter

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category B

Funding Letter Draft 170810

<img height="137" src="file:///C:\Users\HHHANU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.png" width="117" />NIOS

North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies

2129 Stratford Rd; Murfreesboro, TN 37129; USA

Esteemed Members, Directors, Officers,

XXX Foundation

We, NIOS, are looking for a partner in spirit for a substantial and potent project. Since our formation in 2004 we have been blessed to have realized such projects in co-operation with the National Museum of India, National Library of Peru, San Marcos University, Peru (the second oldest university in the Western Hemisphere) and many other excellent institutions.

Considering our strengths, weaknesses, finances and community, our next selected focus is a Symposium on Art and the Sacred, October 2018. The venue is already set, Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru. The exhibition halls guarantee 40,000 visitors, international tourists, a week. The center-piece would be an excellent movie, ART AND THE SACRED: A Pilgrim’s Progress.

One of our advisors, Prof. Hector Behar, one of the most prominent players in the history of human rights in South America, and currently member of the United Nation’s Committee on World Poverty (???), commented that the United Nation’s estimate is that 1-million people commit suicide each year. This is more than all the deaths in all the armed conflicts combined.

We can define the real enemy as our own minds, our lack of cultural assets. We propose a documentary that will systematically and dramatically interview profound scholars, art historians, poets, artists, Jungians, Jesuits, from Peru to New York, London, Madrid, Delhi and Kolkata that will demonstrate and communicate a practical pathway to a world culture of Art and the Sacred.

In the world there are enough resources for everyman’s needs, but not enough for one man’s greed – Mohandas Gandhi

We are asking for a budget of $125,000. Our Director will be a longtime co-worker, Oscar Natars Burger (Iber-Americano Association for Arts and Letters, Director of the Year 2017). Of course, the premier for the film will be Lima, Peru but already it has presentation sites in Chile, India, USA and will be aired for use by such agencies as the BBC, National Geographic et al.

Join us? Money, men, brains, heart?

We have already invested $2,000 in the concept development work. If you are seriously interested we can send more details. Partial funding for even specific aspects of the project would be greatly appreciated.

Prof. H. H. Robinson

(Hanumatpresaka Swami)

Resource Research Office