7 years, 6 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

I have to say, what an exalted soul, to me, seems to be my first client Mr. Luis, from Portugal.

I am just going to post office after bank, to have the shipping rates for his coil. 18 wired Garuda Absolute Abha Vortex Coil(copyright in my and Garuda's name=cc4.0 licensed and of course time-stamped also with our blockchain nem).

I just see Lord Caitanya and Nitai (same name as my wife:), or the Priya is not there, but nobody calls her Nitai Priya, only Nitai, that's sweet, Avadhutas are, hehe :) :). Anyway they surely dance hahahahaha.

This Luis or client is one of the nicest persons, for he is such a theist, that he knows how to use psychology!! (he can energize very well water with devices he sells, and of course he has much also PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequencies) machine for health and machines of course to shield from all the bad EMF today.

Like he says the devil of the industrial age EMF (electromagnetic frequencies). Tesla himself was also terrified by the vast damage to humans his AC current had, so he was one of the biggest opponents for his own youthhood's simple invention, the induction motor EM or better known as Alternating Current or AC (50Hz, same as our nervous system. That's why this electrosmog has almost the same effects on human body as the lead poisoning in same time would be. heh, Maharaja ain't this the very very thing historians say why Rome was finally raided for good:) HR HK

HpS - I don't know exactly. One audiologist here, bit Indian gentlman, said that these new low energy flourescent light bulbs are great on energy reduction but they produce a very high frequency sound and the result is that people are becoming deaf in that frequency.

Seems that we should all be pure devotees and then we can adapt this new technology properly and even Krsna will send us proper sastric sources. Prabhupada said one time that 2 or 3 dozen televisions were enough for the whole world. Live in the village. Grown corn, squach and beans, make puppet shows and naturally develop mystic powers like flying on magic carpets. We Norther people have to become heavy metal workers to fight with nature but natural human life is in places like Ecuador, free bananas, coconuts and greens!  See you there, polar bear!

My picture below.  Send some of yours!!