Sankirtan report response

7 years, 6 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Gurumaharaja

Thank you so much for answer our dull letter.

I will not take much time, i will try to just answer the two points 

(1) monther Astasakhi and Maharshi Prabhu were and are agree of me taking second iniciation, the mistake was mine

Maybe is not clear for you anymore, but you ask me to call you on Past Gourapurnima to receive gayatri mantra and I never called.

 (2) I accepted that was time for me to enter grihasta asrama and the fact to develop my gentlemen qualities (necessary for a good function in this asram).
 Then a meet Valeria, was introduced to Krishna counciousness a year ago approximately and since then she render service to Radha Madhan Gopal and their devotees. She comes from a family with high spiritual values. Her father after work dedicate his time to missionary work in Church and her mom is also a devotee of Christ. Both are now very favorable towards her practices in KC
Valeria used to render service very seriously in a Christian church. She is not my fiancé, she doesn't have first initiation and she doesn't want to take a   Serious commitment with me without a guru
Gurumaharaja I will write you back with my social community, authorities etc letters that you request as well
Your servant
 Vrajendra Kumar das

HpS - Esteemed VKD,

Thank you for the very nice letter, written like a Dvija, twice born gentleman. It is very nice to meet Valeria through your comments. We will look at your next letter.