Silchar - India Calendar

7 years, 6 months ago by Bishal Singha in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Dandavat Pranaam unto your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

I had sent you a letter(with 'urgent' on title; I think so!) may be around a week before regarding the prospect of organising a seminar at Silchar with Professor Dr. Projith Kumar Palit, History Dept, Assam University during your North East India tour this year. I had mentioned his contact details (right now I dont have) as he wishes to directly communicate with you on this matter. Dr. Palit is the Professor you had mentioned in a letter 9 months before( I and my father had visited him last month. He is a very enthusiastic person and really eager to cooperate for holding a seminar. Kindly please inform us if you had received the letter and instruct us accordingly for further course of action. I shall again resend the contact details of Dr. Palit very soon.

Dandavat Pranam again unto your lotus feet.

Your ignorant servant


HpS - Hare Krsna, Bishal et al.    In other letter on NIOS movie I give our current health and energy report. We saw the other letter, but could not answer. You have seen our Calendar, no?

Sept 28-Oct 25th = Delhi, Vraja, Ujjain, Bombay, Australia.

25th - 7th = Kolkata, Mayapura, North east.  Two weeks.  We would, could, just stay with you in Silchar and get good results but our assigment now includes other parts of India, Spain, USA, South America.  What about Manipur and Rtu-raja's Temple?   How can we use those two weeks best for the benefit of everyone?