Oink! (Optomistic Iconographers Need Krsna)!
Last day in Nila-madhava Dhama. Our eyes and throat are still some bit tired. We have been determined to eat what we want to eat and it has helped a lot. CCD and M. Subhra went to the SFO Rathayatra the day after we arrived. We were asked to go too, but it was too much. We hope they send us lots and lots of news.
Our energy has recovered a lot.
But definitely we are finished working like young asses.
Tomorrow, 6.30AM, we go in Nandulal Das' Chariot of Fire to the airport and get to the Boro at 11.30AM. Get our feet on the ground. See if Red Rover starts, what has happened to Bhakta Pear Tree, how well the air-conditiner works.
Saw the letter to Oscar? Good plan? A documental on Art and the Sacred. Movie interview with many people.
By art we can spiritualize the masses.
O.K. We go to the Sunday Feast.
Everything seems to be moving ahead at a practical pace.
Hare Krsna!!
Got our rounds done.
Answered three letters.
Hare... Hare... Hare... At every moment we can make ulitmate progress in perfecting our service, bhajan.