Your advice is needed

7 years, 7 months ago by Govinda Sundara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja 
Please accept our humble obeisances 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Im hoping that you finally can get some rest in Houston after all your successful preaching travels to South America. I was hoping also that by this time you could have the opportunity to see our previous letter and from there take our decisions. But I totally understand your busy schedule.

We just wanted to share with you that we were talking to different advisors and family members about our family situation, in which for more than a year my husband and I have been separated. This situation start to affect our relationship and also has been difficult to plan and take action in the same direction.

I was attached to the idea of attending school in US and get a OK job but in conversations with Ranchor Pr seems more practical to start a business together. My family in Mexico offered help so we can start there, and also Ranchor Pr is getting in contact with his family members in Mumbai after many years.

We were thinking to go México and continue serving there, start some practical source of money and at least together think in future plans.
We will like to know your opinion in this regard because obviously want to keep our family, consciousness and in general Center our lives in KC.

The idea of sacrificing family and relationships in order to get green cards in US with the hope of material stability seems not worth it for us anymore.

HpS - Ugh!  Seems stupid to us the way you describe it.

Temple in Columbus Ohio still want us to contribute to their projects but is uncertain when they will be able to get my husband here.

Please advice us

*i personally prefer to receive the answer to our emails but is under your discretion [email protected]
[email protected]

Yours in service 
Govinda Pramodini Devi Dasi 

HpS - We arrived 6pm on Wednesday and drove straight to Nila madhava Dhama for evening Bh. Vaibhava program. Yesterday a little rest and today we are on the road again for a visit to Ksiti kapoor's home and an evening program in Sugar land. We will get back to the Temple about 9.30PM.   Let us answer your question here because about 6-more people probably have the same question.

The basic decision factor is what will improve your service to the greedy, selfish, Lord Sri Krsna. He wants to enjoy (but He shares it with everyone). You first service is to chant Hare Krsna all the time. After that chant Hare Krsna on beads 1728 times daily with ENTHUSIASM#$%^! while follow>>ing strictly the four regulative principles. If you do this then your family life will follow like a shawdow (Don't think it will be materially happy. (It will be purrr i fying (and internally very happy (for everyone))).

Like you say bow down to your husbands feet and remember that he is 5-years older than you and then offer your suggestions on the family affairs, and success or failure, follow his decisions. Making money in Mexico sounds great. Get your PhD in husband following!

So, moving to Mexico seems O.K. from here. It gives a lot of options.

Hara-lila Das just came up and asked us when we wanted lunch and I reminded him that he saw us cut up all the mango we had received before it went bad and make a kitri in the blender of the yogurt, peaches, bananas and pnut butter we had also received before they went bad, so all we needed was some puri and subji at 5PM.

Then  he said that Govinda called and I said that we spotted her letter and were taking first chance of hitting the ground to answer her first. We will call her, you, as soon as he finished lunch so we can talk together because "He (sannyazi) is even forbidden to talk with a woman in a secluded place. ", BG 16.1, and talking on the telephone is talking alone.

O.K. Let's check the yahoo - mail! and work on the ISKCON Journal!