News from Indradyumna Das

7 years, 7 months ago by Indradyumna Das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaj


Thank you so much for your mercy,I'm so happy ,I just dancing and singing kirtan in front of the pictures of the deity,my heart is full of happiness,that I'm again linked to my guru.Please accept my humble obeisances again and again .

Yes, my cousin was married to Nama acharya.She is okay ,not much contact with her.

In Serbia we have house with 3 hectares land,where we produce ecological fruits and vegetables without chemicals.

For the moment I am in Norway in Oslo working like truck and bus driver.Katalin my wife are in Serbia and distributing the fruits and vegetables from our farm.

We  have many honey bee hives so it's enough to do

30.of august I'm going back to Serbia.

HpS - We look at you other letter. AGTSP.   Paoho.   We are struggling to be proper link in the chain. Just to chant 16 nice rounds is a challenge, but has such fantastic result. That is prominent our connection and you can then connect others through that chain.

I'm trying to tell to friends and family about Lord Krishna,but you know..that is difficult for them to accept an another God,anyway I trying,maybe not enough I dont know.

My dear Guru ,you inspiring me so much when I watching your lessons on you tube,I can site front of pc and listening you day and night.Hare Krishna All Glories to Srila Prabhupad

I'll try to send you some fotos about us

Hare Krishna

Your servant

Indradyumna Das

HpS - Just try to know Krsna and then tell others just what you know! Is He the same person that Abraham called Jehovah?   Any friends?   Wife's family??