News from Indradyumna Das

7 years, 7 months ago by Indradyumna Das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaj


It's a long time ago I wrote to you.

Please forgive me my offences and mistakes.

HpS - If you forgive mine. Of course, that's easy to do when we think how tolerant Srila Prabhupada has been with us.

I'm okay.Chanting 16 rounds every day,following four regulativ principle, watching and listening the lessons you are giving .

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Please forgive me I was not wrote a such a long time.

We are living in Serbia,work,I'm married no children.

I hope you still remember me please accept me back like your servant and disciple

Hare Krishna

Indradyumna Das

HpS - Don't make we sad. We have thought about you so many times and hoped that you are well. Your sister was married to Nama acharya, no?  How is she???

What is your good wife's name?  What is your work?

Are you getting a chance to help others?

We saw two more letters but could not answer them because you can see from the other letters here that we have so little time and our body is struggling so hard to do the local work.

You are a great hero. Don't ever think that Krsna doesn't appreciate your sacrifice. Help others! We will see such success for Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.

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