Fantastic program in the South

7 years, 6 months ago by Govinda Sundara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Totally spectacular program

Hare krishna Gururmaharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances.

I had the opportunity to get a glance of your preaching in south america, thanks to the live videos on Social media. The contact point of east-- west philosophy through poetry ( hamlet & Arjuna) is totally inspiring as well psycology and the sacred. You mention that the deepness of the lenguage  can 'touch the heart', that the plot is the essence of drama.

HpS - According to Aristotle, in the Western tradition of drama.

The essence of drama is bhaba [bhava], based on that attitude we think, we act.
How to touch the heart and change it ?
How to Development of Isavasya counciusness.?
How are we changing our Consciousness individually and Collectively 
Gathering of very important personalities , Zurita and his passionate poetry. 


I was thinking and thinking for days of how to write to you, but now i see my situation as a amateur school drama . How to transform our life in a drama dedicated to lord caitanya?

My drama is still in the chapter of separation from which holds me. separation from family , separation from husband, separation from you and in a deeper level separation from the holy name; even when im physically present i feel overwhelmed and in tears. Krishna try to keep me busy as a answer to my  japa full of threnody, and as you advice us many times in Houston we will keep fighting in the kruksetra war, and even if need to fight this insignificant Alamo , from failure and challenge we will learn. But i need to be honest and say that I'm been struggling facing the result of my decisions. 

When i see your example of enthusiasm and determination lift me up, i just pray that the Lord keeps your physical and spiritual strength and open more doors of preaching as these in south america.

Please don't forget us, even though i neglect you and don't write too often. We are still learning how to act, how to care and interact with you and all.

We ask your permission to place your photo on the altar during my services to sri sri Radha Natavara, jaganatha baladeva shubadra, sri Goura Nitai ( some services now: cooking, aratika, putting them to rest sometimes), we ask for strength to keep engaging kids in krishna Consciousness ( preparing janmastami drama using sri krishna lila stava ) and mainly bless us to engage our noty mind in the chanting of Krishna's name ( as your firm but kind instruction to us).

Your servant 
Govinda Pramodini  dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!   So lucky to take birth in such a nice family. Nice parents. Nice sister. Maybe you were a Sannyasi in your last life.  Of course, we saw you in Houston after this letter and had chance to communicate.  Now I think you are translator for Vrajendra kumar Das.  Again, get your PhD in Following Husband. is story of Sukanya and Cyavana Muni. Maybe you get some inspiration in this for your drama!  I am not saying that there is some "mystical" connection between your situation and your husband's but in general maybe some good points to discuss. is especially interesting ideas for a lady. Again, not saying that you married an old irritable fellow, but many good ideas.

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